運用competitive allele-specific TaqMan PCR (castPCR™)的技術,偵測單點突變,偵測原理是以專一性引子偵測突變位點,以MGB blocker佔住wild type與突變點對應的allele,可測得0.1%以上的mutation rate,現有已設計好的778個assay,含括46個癌症相關基因,例如:KRAS、 BRAF、KIT、JAK2 及EGFR等。
針對不同的癌症相關基因,提供在該基因已知無mutation存在區域的TaqMan reference assay,以取得精準的突變率,同時亦可選用 (Internal Positive Control) IPC,以了解無突變存在是真實情形抑或是PCR失敗。
樣本需求30 ng gDNA
TaqMan® Mutation Detection IPC Reagent Kit內含模板、一對專一性引子以及一段5’端標記VIC ®螢光3’端標記TAMRATM螢光作為Quencher的探針
Category |
Product Family |
Description |
Pack Size |
Gene Expression |
Highest performing master mix for gene expression applications |
5ml pack |
Ideal for customers working with multiple applications including SNP and CNV assays |
5ml pack |
Precise quantification and sensitive detection down to one copy of target |
5ml pack |
Ideal reagent solution when you need a Master Mix for multiple 5' nuclease DNA applications |
5ml pack |
Delivers results in 40 minutes for 40 cycles of PCR using the Applied Biosystems® 7900HT and Fast 7500 Fast Real-Time PCR Systems |
5-pack |
Optimized to provide superior performance with either LUX™ Fluorogenic Primers or probe-based detection systems. |
500 reactions |
Proven Invitrogen enzymes specifically tailored to deliver superior results with probe-based qPCR assays |
500 reactions |
Genotyping |
Delivers accurate genotyping results with robust performance in less than 50 min |
10ml pack |
Specifically formulated for detection of SNPs and insertions/deletions |
10ml pack |
Go from biological sample to genotyping results in less than one hour |
5ml sample prep and 1 ml PCR |
Pre-Amp |
Preamplifies limited cDNA without introducing amplification bias to the sample |
40 reactions |